Our Story
I’m Corrie, and I spend my time in the kitchen creating formulas for friends, family, and you. My husband, Will, is the family gardener, running our green house and gardens full-time.
In my youth, I loved fragrance-filled lotions, shampoos, soaps, and perfumes. In my early 30’s I noticed headaches, bloating, and other unexplainable issues. When my diet and overall health could not explain my symptoms, I decided to reduce my exposure to preservatives, parabens, aluminum, and the elusive ingredients known as “fragrance” in mass marketed skincare and beauty products. After years of making my own skin and haircare, I shared some of my formulas with friends and family as a hobby while continuing to work in another profession.
In 2022, we moved to Central Texas to help care for elder family members. As a consequence of this major change, our idea of working land to create an herb garden and make herbal products available to our community was fully developed into a dream.
Throughout 2022 and 2023, we pursued educational endeavors to ensure our dream was supported with the best information, skills, and practices in the field. Formulas I developed over 10 years ago were perfected under the guidance of knowledgeable mentors.
From growing herbs to preserving and processing the herbs into formulas, ApotheCorrie strives to provide ethically created products. It is our goal to grow 80% of the herbs used in ApotheCorrie products by 2027. It is my hope that you experience joy and peace while using the herbs and products we have handcrafted with intention and purpose to share with you.
Photo by Monika Scott September 2022